Showing 176 - 189 of 189 Results
Fighting Men of Illinois : An Illustrated Historical Biography Compiled from Private and Pub... by Bartlett, Samuel Colcord ISBN: 9780342441266 List Price: $17.95
Historical Sketch of the Missions of the American Board in India and Ceylon (Classic Reprint) by Bartlett, Samuel Colcord ISBN: 9780266222439 List Price: $24.68
Mary and I: Forty Years with the Sioux / By Stephen R. Riggs; With an Introduction by S.C. B... by Samuel Colcord Bartlett, St... ISBN: 9781355212973 List Price: $28.95
Historical Sketch of the Hawaiian Mission: And the Missions to Micronesia and the Marquesas ... by Bartlett Samuel Colcord ISBN: 9781356550869 List Price: $19.95
Historical Sketch of the Hawaiian Mission : And the Missions to Micronesia and the Marquesas... by Bartlett, Samuel Colcord ISBN: 9781378621462 List Price: $9.95
Mary and I: Forty Years with the Sioux by Riggs, Stephen Return, Bart... ISBN: 9783368634513
Mary and I: Forty Years with the Sioux by Riggs, Stephen Return, Bart... ISBN: 9783368634506
Future Punishment by Bartlett, Samuel Colcord ISBN: 9783385380318
Future Punishment by Bartlett, Samuel Colcord ISBN: 9783385380325
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